Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pantara Island East. Jakarta. Indonesia

two boats are on the edge of the east coast is clear pantara which is one of the leisure facilities provided by the management pantara island east.2013/june

Pantara beaches are clear so the fish that are in it can be seen. 2013/june.

One of the rock where the birds nested on the edge of the dock Coast Pantara East 2013/June.

The main pier of East Pantara
Game in which one can do is to snorkel to see fish and coral reefs that surround the island.

Game in which one can do is to snorkel to see fish and coral reefs that surround the island.

Game in which one can do is to snorkel to see fish and coral reefs that surround the island.

Pantara Island East. Jakarta. Indonesia
Is one of the island from the ranks of a thousand islands, located in the Jakarta area.
To reach there using a speedboat from the Ancol Beach about 2 hours journey.
Natural Beauty in East Pantara island still maintained characterized by the quality of the sea water is crystal clear and the coral reefs that are still alive and can be seen from the top of the pier and supported by the quality of fresh air.

 Pulau Pantara Timur. Jakarta. Indonesia
Merupakan salah satu pulau dari jajaran kepulauan seribu, yang berada di wilayah Jakarta.
Untuk mencapai kesana mengunakan speedboat dari Pantai Ancol sekitar 2 jam perjalan.
Keindahan Alam di pulau Pantara Timur masih terjaga dengan baik ditandai oleh kualitas air laut yang masih jernih dan terumbu karang yang masih hidup dan dapat dilihat dari atas dermaga serta didukung oleh kualitas udara yang masih segar.

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